Friday, July 1, 2011

The story of Little Man


Christina Taylor Green (9/11/2001 - 1/8/2011)

"I just want her memory to live on, she's a face of hope, a face of change," she said. "Stop the violence, stop the hatred." Mother quote

A life bracketed by two national tragedies: born on the day (9/11/2001) of the bombing of the Twin Towers in New York; died on the day (1/8/2011) of the tragic shootings in Tucson, Arizona.

All of us - we should do everything we can to make sure this country lives up to our children's expectations. Obama quote

Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

The story of Little Man

(Mr. DeVoe)...I have been waiting a very long time to get to the beginning
of my story...I had no idea when I started the hip hop above that I was in labor
nor did I have any idea that I would birth at your feet...

I feel tired and ecstatic.... my little man...he is that redundancy...a beautiful baby!
as they all are...inside their tiny little bodies ...thanks be to God...and bless you Father DeVoe.

May you and your family be always enveloped with God's grace. Amen

tis U who should B writin a book ... and i not gven 2 kssem up...i try my hand at hip hop styl b cuz i typ w 1 fingr...i not jiv...1 phd, 1 ma, couple ba..nvr lrn 2 typ...did use w Parkinson i b usin 1

...last 3 mo i write on 5 of my own web sites, an have +250 friends, my 17 son lives me ...& of course thse 12 pigeons in my pear tree

...some site titles: lot of money good until it isn' R jumpin...higher & country tis a vie...and, pulse ck...

2 C U can go 2: but back 2 my main point...

what you did/do with family is a blazin' torch in an ocean of not hide it under a basket...i hlp if askd....

START STORY HERE I will close with my thoughts in a form that I do know how to use... I spent my life communicating in the accepted style and I can tell the truth or I can spin it with the best in the business...whether the best be in politics or marketing...

information is always the first causality of war. Now with photo altering (or enhancement if one prefers) the already invisible line is both false and "big mistake, when you write here never stop to think what it is you wish to say or they "THEY" will kick you off...

false and real. This next election will come to pass with your help or without it. I did, do & will support Barack but I am and have been a non-party kind of guy. I seldom seem to be on a track where there is much traffic, if you get my drift. "Why look honey our boy is the only one in-step."

Let me make you and , may I, Jackie, be the poster parents that my story telling can use to connect people together. It is the truth that my Lord allows me to hang on to....we are all of the same Father...we all wish to be connected to family as we know it. For myself that is with and through GOD's grace and the Holy Trinity ...the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit...amen.

I refuse to allow this computer to determine when I am done.

So, a story: .

It seems there was once a nice young man who appeared to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. So much so he soon was referred to as little man. Well, when little man was very little, his gentle and loving parents brought him over to the place they were told was close by.

So it came to pass that little man was baptized at St. Charles Catholic Church in San Carlos, CA the first day of August, 1943.

three months old at the time, little man felt it was fine with him.

lucky for you...I just lost the story re: intervening 66 years...not much to be missed, but back to conclusion...

place: sister Church to mine

which is St. Theresa in Palm Springs, CA (perhaps you saw Cher's eulogy to Sonny Bono; his Church also).

Date: May 15, 2010.

Occasion: The Sacrament of Confirmation.

Quoting, "Paul J. Servelle, received and sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit."

…and so it came to pass that little man found his true way home.

The beginning of spirit-in-sky-paul.